Date 15.11.2021

Hybrid company succession

“I liked to have more time for the family” is Matthias Trzeciok’s reason for handing over his life’s work after 18 years. In November of 2020, Matthias Trzeciok (former shareholder of Dahmeland Bau GmbH) together with Jesús Comesaña Macías (shareholder and managing director of BBF GRUPPE) sealed the sale of Dahmeland Bau GmbH with a handshake, thus securing the existence of his company.

A prime example of a smooth transition – this is how succession will be presented at the last conference of the Fachgemeinschaft Bau on 11.11.2021 in the Spreespeicher in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The topic of the event: company succession.

Currently, about 40 percent of all entrepreneurs in the Berlin and Brandenburg region are over 55 years old. They are all looking for suitable successors. What opportunities are there for a suitable company succession?

From left to right: Jesús Comesaña Macías (shareholder and managing director of BBF GROUP), Matthias Trzeciok (managing director of Dahmeland Bau GmbH)

A change in leadership can happen on three different levels. More than half of the companies pass it on within the family. Others use routes via external takeovers or agree on a successor within the workforce. Due to the lack of skilled workers under the age of 55, the search for suitable successors is becoming increasingly difficult. Many have to give up their life’s work in the end.

The aim of the Fachgemeinschaft Bau is to draw attention to this conflict through experts and to sensitize them accordingly.

At the end of the series of expert lectures on the subject of company succession, Matthias Trzeciok and the managing partner of the BBF group of companies Jesús Comesaña Macias were given the opportunity to speak independently about their experiences. Both present a harmonious cooperation with a strong team behind them. A successful transition is about more than superficial factors, they argue. They see the new connection as an opportunity to develop the company further. In July 2021, the group of companies expanded to include the specialist area of building services engineering with the takeover of Aedes Gesellschaft für Gebäude- und Energietechnik mbH. The strategy here is therefore growth.

For the future of the BBF GROUP, a hybrid succession solution consisting of family-internal and own employees is aimed at. The goal is to build up a young, dynamic management team. In this way, new ambitions, ideas and concepts are to be brought forth.

The ambition to include external companies in the group still exists. In 5 to 7 years the younger generation should lead the group of companies in a smooth transition.

M. Trzeciok tells of the successful merger with the BBF group of companies at the beginning of 2021


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